Facilities Use/Rental
Community Use of Facilities
In addition to the critical job of preparing our students for a successful future, we strongly believe that schools are a vital resource for everyone in our school community, young and old alike. That is why the Community Enrichment and Engagement division of Robbinsdale Area Schools schedules and supervises the use of district buildings before and after school and on weekends.
Facilities Use/Rental FAQ
- How Do I Reserve District Space?
- Rental Requirements
- Procedures - Auditoriums, High School Stadiums
- One-Time Event Insurance
- Rental Rates
- Additional Rental Fees and Classifications
- See our Spaces
How Do I Reserve District Space?
How Do I Reserve District Space?
- Click the Reserve District Space link above to complete your online facility request. For further instructions on how to set-up an account in our scheduling system, click here.
- Complete the online facility request at least ten (10) working days prior to the activity. Large events require a minimum of thirty (30) days advance notice. Facility use requests will not be processed until the request is form is returned in one of the ways listed below.
- Contact the facilities scheduler at 763-504-4917 for assistance if needed.
The facilities scheduler will process all requests on a first come, first served basis. A copy of the contract will be sent to the contract holder. This contract must be carried to the activity.
Please notify the facilities scheduler of changes or cancellations at least seven working days before the date of the activity.
Rental Requirements
Facility Request Process
Facility requests must be submitted a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the event. If you do not hear from us within five days prior to the event you may call the facilities scheduler for confirmation.
Scheduling of school facilities is handled in priority order of the date and complexity of the activity. For example, facility requests for activities occurring in the next 30 days will always be processed in advance of activities occurring three months in advance of the application date. Consequently, you may submit a facility request and not receive confirmation until closer to the event date(s).
Facility requests for large and/or complex events must be submitted a minimum of 45 days in advance of the activity. If this is a first-time request, you will need to contact the facilities office at 763-504-4917 or curtis_hall@rdale.org to set up a Facility Account in order to submit your request.
Changes or cancellations must be made 7 workings in advance of the activity.
Damage Deposit
Facilities contract holders are required to pay a $400 damage deposit 30 days in advance of the activity. The damage deposit should be a check made out to Robbinsdale Area Schools. If there is damage, please see Liability and Property Damage Procedure below.
Liability and Property Damage Policy
Users of District 281 buildings and grounds must agree to assume all responsibility for damage or liability of any kind and agree to hold faultless the District from any expense or costs in connection with the use of the schools grounds and facilities and/or equipment under this agreement.
Liability and Property Damage Procedure
1) The facilities contract holder will be required to provide a $500,000 per person and $1,500,000 per occurrence certificate of liability and property damage, per MN State Statue 466.04, naming the District as Additional Insured. The district will accept a certificate of liability with the limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence with an Aggregate of $2,000,000 Umbrella limit of $1,000,000 following form.
2) Any loss or damage of facilities or equipment will be reported immediately to the District 281 personnel on duty or to the Community Enrichment and Engagement office at (763) 504-6990 by the leader in charge of the scheduled activity.
- Within 72 hours after the activity, the building custodian or building supervisor will report any damage to the Community Enrichment and Engagement office. The cost of this damage will be deducted from the $400 damage deposit. Any unused amount of the deposit will be refunded. Any amount of damage over the $400 damage deposit will be charged to the permit holder.
3) Permit holders may only use school facilities and equipment that are specified on their permit and adhere to the enter and exit times listed.
4) District 281 is not responsible for loss of personal or organizational items.
Cancellation of Facilities Contract
The facilities scheduler must be notified of a cancellation a minimum of seven (7) working days to the scheduled use. Failure to do so may result in the contract holder incurring expenses associated with the activity.
A Facilities Contract is not to be considered by the holder as a lease and the district reserves the right to cancel or revoke any contract at any time with or without cause. In the event of such a cancellation or revocation, there will be no claim or right to damages or compensation on account of any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever.
Facilities Contracts may be cancelled by the school district for any of the following reasons:
- When a group misses two consecutive meetings or activities
- Misuse of equipment or facilities
- Inadequate group supervision or inappropriate group conduct as reported by the staff person on duty
- If a determination is made that continuation of the Facilities Contract would be potentially harmful or dangerous, as reported by the staff person on duty.
- When school is cancelled due to inclement weather, mechanical systems problems or other unpredictable situations.
- When any conditions of use or regulations governing use of these facilities are not adhered to by the user, we reserve the right to cancel the activity and/or the facilities contract.
Payment in Advance
Payment, in advance, will be required for rental, personal charges and damage deposit as outlined in the facilities contract.
All activities must be under the supervision of a competent adult. Supervision must be maintained before, during and after the activity. Appropriate and respectful behavior is required. Behavior that may cause personal injury or property damage is unacceptable. The group supervisor must remain on site until all children with their group have left the premises. The organization must assume full responsibility for appropriate supervision, as described, or the facilities contract will be cancelled.
- The group supervisor should carry a copy of the facilities contract to the activity and be prepared to present it as requested by the custodian or building supervisor on duty.
- Groups are expected to enter and exit at the time listed on the facilities contract.
- Rooms and areas must be left in an orderly condition and returned to its original set up. If you are using a room other than the cafeteria or gymnasium, materials in the room are not to be disturbed.
High School Stadium Regulations
Specific regulations that guide the community use of the high school stadiums will be sent separately to contract holders who are using the stadiums.
Equipment and Set-up
When using district equipment, check-in with the district staff person on duty. You must have permission on the permit to use school equipment. When you have finished with the equipment, locate the staff person and check the equipment back in. Equipment found missing or broken following the activity will be the responsibility of the organization holding the facilities contract.
Use of District 281 Kitchens
Any use of District 281 kitchen facilities must be arranged through Robbinsdale Nutrition site manager, district director and/or Facilities. Any use of the district kitchen facility must include the hiring of a Robbinsdale Nutrition employee for the duration of the event or a minimum of two (2) hours. The employee must hold a current Food Managers license and will supervise the operation of equipment and use of the kitchen facilities.
Hennepin County Health Department requires all groups providing food to the public to complete an itinerant license prior to the event. The form can be found at co.hennepin.mn.us (look for licenses, certificates and registration).
Each group should complete the form, submit it to the district and the district will forward to the health department.
The Fire Marshall may be required to approve alternative cooking equipment or setup. Any group that is planning to bring equipment into the district kitchen will need prior approval from the Fire Marshall.
Please contact Robbinsdale Area Schools Nutrition Services at 763-504-8047 with any questions.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages are prohibited except in the cafeteria. Under special circumstances, permission may be granted, but it must be approved on the facilities contract. All food brought into the buildings and sold must be commercially prepared. Hennepin County Ordinance (number 3) states the sale of food not prepared in a licensed establishment is prohibited. Food for potlucks which will not be sold can be prepared in private homes.
Intoxicating Substances
Smoking or possession or consumption of intoxicating substances in school district buildings or on school district grounds is prohibited.
Weapons of any kind are not allowed on school property, not even toy weapons. If a weapon is found at a school location, the police will be called.
Legal Ordinances
All legal ordinances pertaining to public assemblies must be adhered to and will be reinforced.
Weather Policy
Click here to see the district winter weather closing guide.
Immediate Cancellation of a Facilities Contract
The district staff person on duty may decide to cancel a facilities contract, immediately, if in his/her judgment, continuation would be potentially harmful and/or dangerous to persons or property.
Authorized District Staff
Custodians, building supervisors and stadium supervisors are the authorized representatives of the school district overseeing appropriate use of school district buildings and grounds. They have the responsibility and authority to ensure the conditions of use are appropriately followed.
Procedures - Auditoriums, High School Stadiums
Auditorium Use
Community Education is not responsible for scheduling the auditoriums based upon school needs and district priorities.
- Requests to use the auditoriums should be made by application to the Facilities Scheduler a minimum of 45 days in advance of the event.
- Staffing and technical needs for your event will be determined by District personnel and will be charged to the user according to the hourly staff rates.
- A damage deposit of $400, liability insurance, and all other charges associated with the event must be paid in full 30 days prior to the event date.
- All groups must fill out a Request for Use Application form. If you are a returning renter, you can log in to your account and request space. If you are a first time renter, click here for further instructions on how to set-up an account in our scheduling system.
- The District does not provide storage for user groups. The stage must be struck immediately after the final performance unless special permission has otherwise been granted. Anything left behind will be disposed of by the District at the user’s expense.
- The District is not responsible for theft or damage to items left in the auditorium.
- An auditorium coordinator will oversee the arrangements for the event. An hourly rate will be charged for the auditorium coordinator’s services according to the hourly staff rates.
- Technical equipment, including lighting and sound systems, will be operated by district technicians. An hourly rate will be charged for the technician’s services according to the hourly rates.
- Custodial charges associated with the event will be billed to the user according to the hourly rates.
- The arrangement of the curtains or stage backdrop may have limitations. Accommodations made for the user may require additional staff time, to be billed to the user.
- Use of the piano in the auditorium may require moving and or tuning charges.
- No food or beverages are allowed in the auditorium.
High School Stadium Use
Community use of the high school stadiums will be in compliance with the general policy and regulations already established for community use of district facilities. In addition, the following procedures provide specified practices for community use of the high school stadiums.
Conditions of Availability of Facilities
Availability of the stadiums will be established by the athletic director at each high school in accordance with needs of the school and the stadium agreements with the municipalities. Examples of restrictions include, but are not limited to:
1) Use of lights or sound system
2) Noise level and
3) Approved type, day and time of event.
Conditions of Non-Availability of Facilities
Permits will not be granted to a user group for any activity which:
1) May be, in the judgment of District 281, in any way, prejudicial to the best interests of the educational system.
2) Does not have satisfactory sponsorship or adequate adult supervision provided.
3) May result in any undue damage or wear or is not consistent with the use for which the space was designed.
4) Has previous, documented experience with District 281 which indicated:
- Poor group supervision
- Misuse of equipment or facilities
- Unacceptable group conduct
- Failure to meet previous fiscal obligations
Use of District 281 stadiums is also governed by the district equal opportunity policy.
Appropriate Activities
Only activities appropriate for the space that do not damage the turf or the track will be permitted in the stadiums. The activity directors must approve all activities before a permit will be issued and will determine which activities are appropriate.
Site Supervision
All community use of the stadiums will require a District 281 site supervisor. The site supervisor will:
1) Unlock and lock the stadium according to the times indicated on the permit
2) Insure the space is used appropriately
3) Verify the activity is adequately supervised by the permit holder
4) Guide the required cleaning of the space following the activity
5) Enforce the list of guidelines established for the use of the stadium at all times.
Emergency Closing
If it is necessary to close the stadium due to an emergency (weather conditions or other) all permits will be cancelled. The athletic director will make this determination and contact the facilities scheduler to notify the permit holder and the site supervisor.
Liability and Property Damage Policy
Users of the stadium must agree to assume all responsibility for damage or liability of any kind and agree to hold faultless the District from any expense or costs in connection with the use of the school grounds or stadium under this agreement.
Liability and Property Damage Procedure
1) A Certificate of Insurance naming District 281, as an additionally insured is required for all groups using District stadiums with liability limits no less than $500,000 combined single limit and $1,500,000 per occurrence certificate of liability and property damage insurance per MN Statute 466.04.
2) Any loss of damage of facilities or equipment will be reported immediately to the site supervisor on duty or to the facilities scheduler at 763-504-4917.
The cost of this damage will be deducted from the $500 damage deposit. Any unused amount of the deposit will be refunded. Any amount of the damage over the $500 deposit will be charged to the permit holder.
Space should be left in the same condition as it was found. Failure to clean up can result in forfeiture of $500 damage deposit.
3) Permit holders may only use the school facilities and equipment that are specified on their permit and approved by District Staff
4) District 281 is not responsible for loss of personal or organizational items.
Conditions of Use
A check list of rules and regulations for the space will be included on the permit. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in the cancellation of the permit. They are as follows:
1) Prior to use, permits must be obtained from District 281. A copy of the permit should be presented to the site supervisor when the activity supervisor enters the stadium.
2) No food on track or field.
3) No bicycles/rollerblades/skateboards.
4) No wheeled equipment or vehicles on the track or field.
5) No gum, sunflower seeds or shelled peanuts on the track or field.
6) No animals on the track or field.
7) Pick up and dispose of all waste and debris from the activity.
8) Place collected waste in the dumpster.
9) No radio/music players/microphones/ public address systems in the facility.
10) No drugs or weapons.
11) Proper activity supervision must be maintained at all times. Supervisors must remain with their group and participants are limited to the area specified on the permit.
12) Appropriate athletic shoes must be worn.
Hourly rental fees will be charged for use of the turf in accordance with the user classification rates for the school year.
Stadium supervisor’s fees will be incurred by all users, even those who do not pay an hourly rental.
Custodial overtime fees could be incurred and or loss of $500 damage deposit if the stadium is not properly cleaned by the users following their activity. These fees may also be incurred if the activity has a large number of attendees or has other complex management issues that would be best supervised by a custodian.
Equipment use fees for use of district equipment will not be charged. However, the district reserves the right to require users to bring some of their own equipment and it must meet the standards established by the activity directors.
Damage deposit fees are required of community users. A $500 fee will be required either annually for regular users or by permit for one-time users.
Payment of fees are required in advance of the activity or for regular ongoing users will be billed monthly.
Scheduling Procedure to Use the Stadium
All requests for use of the stadium will first go to the athletic directors at each high school. The activity directors will assess the request in terms of timing and suitability of the activity for the space.
The stadiums will be scheduled in the same priority order as all other district facilities.
If the request is approved by the athletic director the activity will be scheduled and staffed by the facilities scheduler.
All permits for the stadium will have “condition of use” statements typed directly on the permit which will identify the rules for use of the stadium. Users who fail to comply with these rules may have their permit cancelled.
One-Time Event Insurance
One-Time Event Insurance through Mercer's TULIP Program
If you do not currently carry Liability Insurance, you can apply for insurance for your event through Mercer's TULIP Program. Most policies for your one-time event will run $100-$200.
Rental Rates
Facility | Class I (B) - Free with Exceptions | Class II (A) - Local User | Class II (B) - Higher Education and General Non-Profits | Class III (A) - In-District Commercial Users | Class III (B) - Non-District Users |
Auditorium | $28.00 | $55.00 | $86.00 | $98.00 | $120.00 |
Auditorium (rehearsals) | $0 | $13.25 | $28.00 | $31.00 | $39.75 |
Boardroom (ESC) | $30.00 | $57.00 | $89.00 | $100.00 | $122.00 |
Cafeteria - Elementary School | $0 | $20.00 | $33.00 | $35.00 | $45.00 |
Cafeteria - Middle and High School | $0 | $30.00 | $55.00 | $58.00 | $77.00 |
Classroom - Elementary School | $0 | $12.00 | $17.00 | $20.00 | $25.00 |
Classroom - Middle and High School | $0 | $12.00 | $18.00 | $21.00 | $26.00 |
Gym - Elementary School | $7.00 | $20.00 | $31.00 | $35.00 | $45.00 |
Gym - Middle School (per section) | $15.00 | $26.00 | $35.00 | $45.00 | $52.00 |
Gym - High School (per section) | $15.00 | $35.00 | $45.00 | $53.00 | $60.00 |
Kitchen - Elementary School | $15.00 | $20.00 | $30.00 | $35.00 | $45.00 |
Kitchen - Middle and High School | $20.00 | $27.00 | $54.00 | $57.00 | $80.00 |
Media Center - Elementary School | $5.00 | $24.00 | $27.00 | $39.00 | $44.00 |
Media Center - Middle and High School | $10.00 | $25.00 | $31.00 | $43.00 | $52.00 |
Multipurpose Room - Elementary School | $10.00 | $25.00 | $29.00 | $40.00 | $42.00 |
Sandburg Middle School Pool Lane Rental |
$40.00 $7.00 |
$45.00 $8.00 |
$60.00 $9.00 |
$75.00 $10.00 |
$80.00 $11.00 |
Plymouth Middle School Pool Lane Rental |
$40.00 $7.00 |
$45.00 $8.00 |
$65.00 $9.00 |
$80.00 $10.00 |
$85.00 $11.00 |
Ticket Booth | $10.00 | $12.00 | $14.00 | $15.00 | $18.00 |
Elementary Fields (2 hour minimum rental) |
$40.00 | $50.00 | $55.00 | $60.00 | $65.00 |
Middle School Fields (2 hour minimum rental) |
$60.00 | $75.00 | $100.00 | $115.00 | $125.00 |
Premium Fields (turf and newly updated) | $100.00 | $125.00 | $150.00 | $175.00 | $200.00 |
Tennis Courts (per court/hr) | $10.00 | $15.00 | $18.00 | $22.00 | $25.00 |
Additional Rental Fees and Classifications
Additional fees
Class I (A) - Free
Class I (B) - Free with Exceptions Free use except: fields, stadiums, auditoriums, elementary and secondary gyms
Class II (A) - Local User
Class II (B) - Higher Education and General Non-Profits
Class III (A) - In-District Commercial Users
Class III (B) - Non-District Users
See our Spaces
Click here to see our rental facilities.
Community Education Office
Curtis Hall
Facilities Scheduler
Facilities Scheduler
Angie Martinez Grande
Program Director,
Community Enrichment and Engagement
Real Lives. Real Impact. Right Here.